Alison Weir Tours

Terms & Conditions

We know that your holiday is very important to you and it is also extremely important to us, since we want you to enjoy it and to book again with us in the future. Please therefore spend some time reading carefully the following booking terms and conditions, as they form the basis of your contract with us. Please be aware that these terms and conditions contain waivers of liability as well as waiver of class action and venue selection and notice clauses.

These terms and conditions apply to all tours, day events and weekend study tours provided by Alison Weir Tours Limited (AWT, "we," "our"). By booking with AWT you are confirming that you ("you", "your", "the participant") have read and agreed the following terms and conditions.


1. Tours

To complete registration for a tour, AWT requires:

• A completed and signed booking form, either on paper or as an email attachment.

• A non-returnable payment of a deposit of 35% of the cost of the tour per person.
Payment of the balance must also be made on or before the date 120 days in advance of the commencement of the Tour , in view of the fact that at this stage AWT either have to pay hotels or release rooms.

• Payment of 100% of the tour fee will be required for any registrations that occur less than 120 days in advance of the start of an AWT tour.

2. Day Events
For day events, a booking form with full payment (non-refundable) is required.

By submitting a booking form online or by returning a signed booking form by mail you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the following terms and conditions

3. Payment
Payment is by bank transfer only. We will send you, by email, details of our bank account, payments owing and the due date for such payments.

4.Price and Rate Changes
The price of your itinerary is based on known costs at the date of issue of the itinerary. We reserve the right to add a supplement to your travel prices should our costs increase due to an increase in taxes payable locally, currency fluctuations, fuel surcharges and/or government action. After the final payment is made, your price is locked in.

Tour Inclusions

Accommodations are provided as detailed in your itinerary. Please make any special requests such as single rooms, lower floors etc at the time of booking. While we will make reasonable efforts to communicate your requests to the accommodation supplier, such requests are not guaranteed and are at the discretion of the supplier.

Please be aware that accommodations can range from hotels to historical sites, and that facilities can vary. This can include difference in bed sizes and room sizes, bathroom amenities, amenities such as air-conditioning and compliance with other standards such as wheelchair accessibility.

AWT reserves the right, if necessary, to substitute other similar accommodations for accommodations listed on your itinerary. Such substitutions may be made at any time and without prior notice. Such substitutions are at AWT’s sole discretion, and no refunds will be offered for changes in accommodations.

Additionally, participants should be aware that star ratings or similar systems are based on country classifications and therefore can differ. While AWT does its best to maintain current and accurate information regarding these suppliers, we cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies in supplier descriptions, amenities, or images.

Meals are as indicated in the itineraries. Any special dietary requirements should be requested at the time of booking; however, it may not be possible for special diets to be catered for in some of our destinations. For safety and liability reasons, AWT and its representatives cannot be responsible for directly accommodating any food allergies or dietary requirements and restrictions, and is not responsible for any issues or problems associated with the same. We will advise suppliers of your request, but we cannot guarantee their availability.

Not Included
Any items and matters not referred to in your itinerary are not included in the tour price. This can include, but is not limited to, items such as international and domestic airfare, checked and/or excess baggage; passport and visa fees; trip protection and/or insurances of all kinds; gratuities if not listed on your itinerary; laundry; phone calls; minibar; beverages and meals not detailed in the itinerary; optional experiences, and all items of a personal nature. Additional taxes and surcharges may be collected by foreign governmental and non-governmental entities. The price does not cover costs and expenses, including your return home, if you leave the tour, whether of your own volition, or our decision based on behaviour that disrupts the trip, or due to illness, or action by any government or other reason. This list is illustrative and not a complete list of every item not included.

Because AWT do not refund deposits or balances, it is a condition of booking with AWT that you must have your own personal travel insurance to cover you for cancellations, flight delays, lost baggage, medical problems, illness, accidents and unforeseen events. AWT shall not be responsible for any missed flights or other emergencies. AWT does not offer any travel insurance or cancellation insurance.

AWT is not qualified to answer technical questions about the benefits, exclusions and conditions of travel insurance plans. AWT cannot evaluate the adequacy of the prospective insured's existing insurance coverage. If you have any questions about your travel protection, please call your insurer or insurance agent or broker.

Failing to purchase an adequate travel protection plan could result in the loss of your travel cost and/or require the outlay of more money to correct the situation. In booking the tour and failing to obtain insurance, you acknowledge that without this coverage, there may be no way to recoup any losses, costs or expenses incurred. If you travel without adequate coverage, we will not be liable for any of your losses howsoever arising, for which trip protection plan coverage would otherwise have been available.

AWT shall not be held responsible for, or liable for, any damage to, or loss of, property or injury to, or death of, persons occasioned directly or indirectly by an act or omission of any coach company, hotel, restaurant or other provider who provides services to AWT.

AWT and its employees, shareholders, agents and representatives use third party suppliers to arrange tours, transportation, sightseeing, lodging and all other services related to this tour. AWT is an independent contractor and is not an employee, agent or representative of any of these suppliers. AWT does not own, manage, operate, supervise or control any transportation, vehicle, airplane, hotel or restaurants, or any other entity that supplies services related to the tour. All suppliers are independent contractors, and are not agents or employees or representatives of AWT.

AWT shall not be held responsible for, or liable for, any damage to, or loss of, property, or injury to, or death of, persons that is occasioned directly or indirectly by an act or omission of any coach company, hotel, restaurant or other provider who provides services to AWT.

AWT shall not be held responsible or liable for any loss or damage (including, but not limited to, additional travel expenses, medical expenses and lost baggage) due to delay, cancellation or disruption of any kind caused by the laws, regulations, acts or failures to act, demands, orders or actions of any government, or by acts of God, environmental hazards, strikes, fire, flood, war, rebellion, terrorism, insurrection, personal sickness, accidents, quarantine, epidemics, theft or any other cause(s) beyond our control.

Baggage and personal effects, including medicines, are at all times your sole responsibility.

You waive and release any claim against AWT for any such loss, damage, injury or death, and by signing the booking form you are confirming such waiver and release as a condition of participating in the tour.

Assumption of Risk
Each tour participant must be aware that overseas travel and travel to historical sites such area as they are undertaking on the trip may involve inherent risks, some in remote areas. Inherent risks include, but are not limited to, risk of injury or death from motor vehicle collisions; animals; road hazards; slips, and falls; criminal or terrorist acts; government actions; the consumption of alcoholic beverages; tainted food and/or non-potable water; exposure to the elements, including heat, cold, sun, water and wind; your own negligence and/or the negligence of others, including tour guides, other participants, AWT and its employees, agents and/or representatives; attack by, or encounter with, insects and/or animals; accidents or illness occurring in remote places where there are no available medical services; fatigue, chill, overheating and/or dizziness; known or unknown medical conditions; physical exertion for which you are not prepared or other such accidents; the negligence or lack of adequate training of any third-party providers who seek to assist with medical or other help either before or after injuries have occurred; accident or illness without access to means of rapid evacuation or availability of medical supplies or services; and the adequacy of medical attention once provided.

The description of these risks is not complete, and unknown or unanticipated risks may result in injury, illness or death. In signing the booking form, you agree that you are willing to accept the risks and uncertainty involved as being an integral part of travel, including the risk of infection, illness and death; and you accept and assume full responsibility for any and all risks; and you agree to, and shall, hold harmless and fully release Alison Weir Tours Limited from any and all claims associated with the trip, including any claims of third party negligence and/or the negligence of AWT. Furthermore, you hereby covenant not to sue AWT for any such claims or join any lawsuit or action that is suing AWT. This agreement also binds your heirs, legal representatives and assigns. The terms of this HOLD HARMLESS AND RELEASE OF ALL LIABILITY paragraph, shall survive any termination or cancellation of this Contract, whether by operation of law or otherwise. By signing the booking form, you are confirming such waiver and release as a condition of participating in the tour.

Availability of places
AWT's tours are advertised by email to those who have asked for their names to be placed on the waiting list for a specific tour. Booking opens to those on the waiting list only after, and on the day on which, the email advertising the tour is sent. Places on tours are limited in number in order to give guests a bespoke  and exclusive tour experience. As a loyalty bonus, AWT offer priority booking ahead of the waiting list to guests who have travelled with us on four or more previous tours. Should any tour be oversubscribed, your name will be placed on a waiting list and you will be notified on a first-come, first-served basis of any vacancies.


1. Tours
Booking a place on an AWT tour is a legally-binding contract related to that particular tour only, which, if cancelled by you, will incur a cancellation charge. If you wish to cancel your booking after it has been confirmed, you must contact AWT without delay and confirm the cancellation in writing, as we incur costs from the time we confirm your booking and may be unable to resell your holiday. All suppliers have their own cancellation policies, which apply to your booking. Suppliers may choose to provide a travel voucher or credit in lieu of refund. We are not responsible for a supplier’s failure to pay a refund or for supplier bankruptcy or insolvency.

In the event of your cancelling your contract with us, the following cancellation charges will be payable. Cancellation charges are per person and are calculated as follows:

(a) Prior to 120 days preceding commencement of the tour you have booked: 35% of total cost of tour.
(b) Within 120 days of commencement of the tour you have booked: 100% of cost of tour.

Because AWT do not refund deposits or balance payments, it is a condition of booking with AWT that you take out insurance to cover any cancellation costs.

Airline tickets are governed by the air carriers’ terms, and we are not responsible for any air carrier’s decision regarding refund.

You will be given a detailed itinerary at the commencement of the tour and no refunds will be given for missed meals, excursions or dinners while on an AWT tour. Please tell us ahead if you are not going to participate in any tour activity.

Should there not be sufficient enrolment for an AWT tour, AWT reserves the right to cancel the tour, in which case AWT will return in full any deposits you have made for such a tour.

Guests can transfer their deposit (minus an administration fee of £250) to another tour, but only if all the following conditions are met:

(a) another tour is formally advertised on the AWT website with a full itinerary, dates and a price point. (An announcement about a possible future tour is not considered an advertisment for a Tour under this clause), and
(b) you cancel before the balance of the cost on the tour on which you are booked is paid, and
(c) only when your place has been resold on the tour on which you are booked.

2. Day Events
If you cancel your place on a day event there will be no refund.

Fitness and suitability for AWT Tours
AWT tours and day events will often involve a lot of walking, standing, negotiating stairs, visiting historic properties with uneven flooring, cobbles, spiral staircases and moats, getting on and off coaches, and other activities that require a good degree of mobility and a reasonable level of fitness. Guided tours can last for one to two hours. Guests will need to be able to keep up with the group. If you normally use a walking stick or wheelchair, you might find our tours challenging, and you should be aware that access may be difficult at some historic properties. If you are in any doubt about the suitability of any of our tours, or you are less able, or under the age of 18, it is essential that you consult with AWT before booking.

We and our suppliers are unfortunately unable to offer additional assistance to participants with limited mobility and all such assistance will need to be provided by the person(s) with whom you are travelling. Participants with disabilities must notify AWT at the time of booking of status and of the identity of their non-discounted, paid travel companion, who will be responsible for providing all necessary assistance. We may request that you provide a letter from your doctor confirming your fitness to travel.

If you or any member of your party’s situation changes, after you have booked, you must let us know straight away. It is your responsibility to tell us before you book whether you have any special needs, mobility problems or medical conditions that might affect your ability to take part on AWT tours. We will assume, unless you tell us otherwise, that all members of the party are in a good state of health to participate in the tour. By booking with AWT, you confirm that you do not have any disability that could create a problem for you or for other participants. If you have doubts, please let us know and the Tour Director will be in touch with you prior to booking to discuss the nature of the tour and your physical abilities.

If you do not tell us about any special needs or medical conditions, and we find ourselves in the position where you are unable to participate fully, then we reserve the right to organise extra assistance so that you can continue with the holiday, and pass on the costs of doing this to you; or arrange your return home, and pass on the costs of doing this to you. We reserve the right to take action in the interests of your health and safety, and the health and safety of our
staff and other customers, should we need to.

If you have any special requests such as low-floor accommodation, adjacent rooms, etc., please let us know of these at the time of booking. We cannot guarantee these arrangements on an AWT tour, but we will certainly pass on your requests to the supplier concerned and use reasonable endeavours to ensure that your request is met. Unless and until specifically confirmed, all special requests are subject to availability.

Any special diet, attention or treatment you require must be notified to AWT in advance of commencement of the tour. All reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate special diets and treatment; however, we cannot guarantee special arrangements.

We regret we cannot accept any conditional bookings, i.e. any booking that is specified to be conditional on the fulfilment of a particular request. All such bookings will be treated as ‘standard’ bookings subject to the above provisions on special requests.

When you book with us, you accept responsibility for any damage or loss caused by you or any member of your party. Full payment for any such damage or loss must be paid direct at the time to the accommodation owner or manager or other supplier. If you fail to do so, you will be responsible for meeting any claims subsequently made against us (together with our own and the other party’s full legal costs) as a result of your actions.

Your Behaviour on the Tour
AWT expect all clients to have consideration for other people. If in our reasonable opinion, or in the reasonable opinion of any other person in authority, you or any member of your party behaves in such a way as to cause or be likely to cause danger, upset or distress to any third party or damage to property, we are entitled, without prior notice, to terminate the holiday of the person(s) concerned. In this situation, the participant(s) concerned will be required to leave the accommodation or other service. We will have no further responsibility toward such participant(s) including any return travel arrangements. No refunds will be made and we will not pay any expenses or costs incurred as a result of the termination.

AWT reserves the right to decline to accept any person as a participant in an AWT tour. AWT reserve the right to require a participant to withdraw from an AWT tour at his or her own expense, at any time, when such action is determined by the tour staff to be in interests of the safety and welfare of other AWT participants. Should you cause damage to a property, hotel, restaurant or coach you may be liable for such costs.

AWT Itinerary Changes and Cancellation of AWT Tours
Because we start planning the tours we offer more than a year in advance, we may occasionally have to make changes to the itinerary, website and other details, both before and after bookings have been confirmed, usually to improve guests' experience or to ensure that the quality of tour can be met by suppliers such as hotels. We will inform you of any significant changes, and they will also be announced on our website.

Although every effort will be made to operate tours as planned and as advertised, the itinerary, hotels, tour leaders, events, historians and staff may be subject to change. Refunds will not be available for changes to the tour, the tour leader or the tour personnel.

An AWT tour will not normally run unless there is a minimum of 30 guests. Should fewer guests subscribe to a tour, AWT will at its sole discretion either refund the deposits paid or run the tour.

We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule any departure for any reason. If we cancel, except in the case of a force majeure event, we will offer alternate arrangements. We may, at our sole discretion, offer travel vouchers or refunds in accordance with the cancellation schedule above. Each guest is responsible for any additional costs for air tickets or other travel arrangements not made by us.

Force Majeure
AWT assumes no liability for, any loss, damage, delay, or cancellation resulting in whole or in part from an Act of God or any other force majeure condition, including, without limitation: fire, volcanic eruption, hurricane, environmental pollution or contamination, inclement weather, earthquake, low or high water levels, flood, water or power shortages or failures, tropical storms or hurricanes, riots or civil commissions or disturbances, and any other acts of a similar
nature, sabotage, arrests, strikes or labour disruptions, restraint of rulers or peoples, expropriations, acts of terrorism, war, insurrection, quarantine restrictions, government health advisories, epidemics, pandemics, warnings or alerts of any kind of nature, government seizures, refusal or cancellation or suspension or delay of any government authority or any license, permit or authorisation, damages to its facilities or the travel supplier and its facilities, or any other unforeseen circumstances or any other factors unforeseen by AWT that impact negatively on, or hamper, its ability to fulfill any of its contractual conditions. In circumstances amounting to force majeure, we will not be required to refund any money to you, although if we can recover any monies from our suppliers, we will refund these to you without any charge by AWT. Our non-refundable deposit will be retained to cover our overhead costs.

Air Tickets Purchased Independently of the Tour
Air travel is NOT included in the cost of AWT tours. AWT recommends that you check airline cancellation penalties before purchasing airline tickets a long way ahead, because tours may be cancelled due to low enrolment. AWT do not accept liability for cancellation penalties related to domestic or international airline tickets purchased by you in conjunction with a tour.

Destinations and Documentation
Travel to certain destinations may involve greater risk than others. AWT urges participants to remain informed on a daily basis as to current news, as well as to review travel prohibitions, warnings, announcements and advisories issued by their own governments prior to booking travel to international destinations. In addition, you should consult with government websites to ensure that you are in compliance with all requirements for admittance into that country,
including COVID-19 requirements, as well as understanding local laws that govern travel within that country, such as medical tests and tracking. It is your responsibility to be aware of any and all requirements for admittance to a country or state, including Covid-19 requirements. Should you choose to travel to a country that has been issued a travel warning or advisory, AWT will not be liable for damages or losses that result from travel to such destinations.

It is the responsibility of each traveller to obtain and carry a valid passport, visa(s), inoculations, vaccinations and all other documents required by applicable government regulations. AWT strongly recommend that you take into account that certain countries will not admit a passenger if their passport expires within six (6) months of the date of entry.

Recommended inoculations and vaccination for travel may change and you should consult your practitioner for current recommendations before you depart. It is your responsibility to ensure that you meet all health entry requirements, obtain the recommended inoculations, take all recommended medication, and follow all medical advice in relation to your trip. No refunds will be available for participants that do not meet the requirements for vaccinations.

You acknowledge that any failure strictly to comply with these requirements may result in your denied boarding or an undue delay at an airport security checkpoint causing you to miss flight(s), and subsequent scheduled travel bookings tours. AWT bears no responsibility for advising and/or obtaining the required travel documentation for you, or for any delays, damages and/or losses including missed portions of your holiday related to improper documentation or government decisions about entry.

We want you to enjoy every aspect of the tour, so in the unlikely event that you feel dissatisfaction with any aspect of your holiday arrangements, we ask you to bring this to the attention of our Tour Director at the time, so that the matter may be resolved right away. Until we know about a problem or complaint, we cannot begin to resolve it, so please tell us about it immediately and don't approach other tour personnel or leave it until later to make a complaint. If you remain dissatisfied, you must write to us within 28 days of return from your holiday. Any complaint concerned with the arrangements for your holiday will be dealt with carefully and fairly by AWT.

The tour is for booked guests exclusively.

AWT requires that all participants refrain from smoking during group activities, including, but not limited to, excursions and meals.

Unless you request otherwise, we may use photographs of you on AWT tours solely on the AWT website and/or future AWT brochures. Please ensure that you do not take photographs at sites where they are prohibited (e.g. for copyright or conservation reasons), and that your use of photography does not intrude on the enjoyment of other guests. Please ensure that you have other guests' permission before publishing any photograph in which they appear.

Please make sure that you can get to the hotel in good time for the commencement of the tour. Please also ensure, in good time before the tour, that your passports and visas (if required) are valid.

Tour participants coming from overseas may wish to arrive in the U.K. in advance of the commencement date of the tour. AWT is happy to offer general advice on places to visit.


Class Action Waiver/Limitation of Damages/Notice of Claim
You agree that you will only bring claims against AWT in your individual capacity and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class action or representative proceeding. AWT shall not in any case be liable for other than compensatory damages, and your payment of a deposit on a trip means that you agree to these conditions of sale and expressly waive any right to punitive damages. You understand and agree that no claims will be considered and that you will not bring suit against AWT unless you have first provided a typewritten notice of claim to AWT within 28 days after the trip or cancellation of the trip.

This contract is governed by English law and the jurisdiction of the English courts.


ALISON WEIR TOURS is committed to protecting your personal information. For people who sign up to our mailing list, personal information includes your name and email address. For people who books tours with us, it may include your name, contact details, travel information and other information as described below.

Booking with AWT
AWT may collect and use your personal information either ourselves or with our third party suppliers such as hotels and restaurants for the purpose of efficiently delivering our tours to you. This personal information may include your name, age, address, phone number, e-mail address, emergency contact information, passport information, travel medical information (where required), insurance details, nationality, residency, nutrition preferences, travel and accommodation preferences, comments you provide us, trip destination information, and payment-related information. This personal information enables us provide you with the tour advertised, accommodation, to process payments, and provide our tour services.

If you book an Alison Weir Tours tour we may be required to provide certain personal information to our service providers for the purposes of delivering our tours to you.

Your personal information may also be used for the purposes of:
  • Informing you about our products and services, or those of our partners that we believe may be of interest to you (provided that we have received valid consent from you, if such consent is required);
  • Providing ongoing service and support, including resolution of any issues with the services of AWT
  • Ensuring the safety and security of our guests and tours;
  • Carrying out internal accounting and administration of our business;
  • Complying with local laws and regulations.

Mailing List
We may also collect personal information, including contact information such as name, address, and email address if you wish to sign up to our mailing list.

Sale of Business
We may transfer any information we have about you as an asset in connection with a merger or sale (including transfers made as part of insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings) involving all or part of Alison Weir Tours as part of a corporate reorganization or other change in corporate control.

Legal and Compliance
Alison Weir Tours and our third party suppliers may provide your personal information in response to a search warrant or other legally valid inquiry or order, to an investigative body in the case of a breach of an agreement or contravention of law, or as otherwise required or permitted by applicable law. We may also disclose personal information where necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims and to investigate or prevent actual or suspect loss or harm to persons or property.

How is your personal information protected?
We have implemented measures designed to help protect personal information in our custody and control. We maintain reasonable administrative, technical and physical safeguards in an effort to protect against unauthorized access, use, modification and disclosure of personal information in our custody and control. Unfortunately, no collection or transmission of information over the internet or other publicly accessible communications networks can be guaranteed to be 100% secure, and therefore, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any such information. We have personal information retention processes designed to retain personal information of our guests for no longer than necessary for the purposes stated above or to otherwise meet legal requirements.

Can I access my information and whom do I contact for more information?
You have the right to access, update, and correct inaccuracies in your personal information in our custody and control, subject to certain exceptions prescribed by law. Should you wish to access personal information we hold on you please email We may request certain personal information for the purposes of verifying the identity of the individual seeking access to their personal information records.

As well as a right to access, update and correct information we hold about you, if you are resident in the UK, European Union or European Economic Area then you have the following additional rights:
  • To be told how long your personal information will be retained by us or the basis on which we make decisions about how long we retain your personal information;
  • To require that your personal information is deleted by us, subject to any necessary legal requirements we may have to retain the information;
  • To object to our processing of your personal information or to restrict processing of your personal information (but we may be unable to provide certain services to you without processing this information);
  • To receive a copy of any personal information we hold about you in a portable format;
  • To lodge a complaint with a relevant supervising authority (for example the Information Commissioner’s Office in the UK).

Website Policies and Cookies
We do not use the technology called “cookies”.

Changes to this Privacy Policy
From time to time it may be necessary for Alison Weir Tours to amend or make revisions to this Privacy Policy. If we make a change to the Policy, the revised version will be posted on our website. Please refer to this Privacy Policy for the latest information about our personal information practices.


There are currently no Covid-19 vaccination testing requirements for joining the Tour

While Covid-19 vaccinations aren't required, we highly recommend that all guests travelling with us are up to date with Covid-19 vaccinations and boosters where eligible and available. 

We do not ask guests to wear masks, but please feel free to wear one if you feel more comfortable doing so.

3. Testing Before a Tour:
We no longer require everyone to take either a PCR or a lateral flow test (home test) on the day or morning before they join the tour.

4.Getting Covid while on the Tour/Quarantine:

a) Anyone who develops symptoms (sore throat, cold, cough, headache, fever, loss of taste or smell, general malaise, etc) while on the Tour must take a lateral flow test without delay. We can supply these.

b) Anyone who tests positive will not be able to participate on the Tour until they have tested negative for 2 days running.

In the event of b) we will, if required, assist any of our guests to extend their stay at the hotel in which we are currently staying and/or finding alternative accommodation, and/or help them to make travel arrangements, although these extra costs would have to be met by guests or their travel insurers.

Should there be an outbreak of Covid on the Tour we may require everyone to take lateral flow (home test) tests daily before joining the group and boarding the coach. If required, we will supply test kits.

Covid-19 Release of Liability
By booking a tour at this time, you acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume the risk for yourself, that you may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by travelling and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability or death, even if such injuries or losses occur in a manner that is not foreseeable at the time you book your tour.

You acknowledge that exposure to such viruses or disease is an inherent risk of travelling that cannot be controlled or eliminated by AWT. You acknowledge that due to the uncertainty of travel at this time, your tour may be postponed or cancelled, or changes may be made to itineraries due to closures of certain sites or activities, for which there may be no refund. Country and supplier requirements vary. You are responsible for understanding these requirements and must not rely on AWT to provide these details.

You, for yourself and your heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin (The Releasors), HEREBY RELEASE, AND HOLD HARMLESS Alison Weir Tours Limited, its members, officers, agents, and/or employees, suppliers, and other tour members (RELEASEES), of from and against any and all claims, damages, demands, losses, and liability arising out of or related in any way, in whole or in part to any POSTPONEMENT, CANCELLATION, CHANGES, INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH OR ANY OTHER LOSS you may suffer due to exposure, infection, spread, closure, and travel restrictions related to COVID- 19,
WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE, to the fullest extent permitted by law. The terms of this HOLD HARMLESS AND RELEASE OF ALL LIABILITY paragraph, shall survive any termination or cancellation of this Contract, whether by operation of law or otherwise.